The path to balance between creating solid plans and taking consistent and focused actions is a difficult one to manage, especially for new entrepreneurs who are doing so many things at once it can feel overwhelming.

Often we get stuck in the big picture, we stress about not getting everything done now, and about not knowing how we are going to get things done that we don’t yet understand.

For example, if I’m going to be creating a website and I don’t know how yet, the balance of learning, experiencing, testing and actually completing the work will move me to completion.  If I get stuck in the planning phase without jumping in and doing work I can drive myself crazy as I never feel I’m completing anything.  At the same time, if I jump in and start working without a plan, I could waste a lot of time and energy as later on I may find what I created isn’t what I truly need.

What I like to do is create what I term and initial plan which is what starts the process of action.  This plan has a few key points:

– Define the outcome you desire.

– Define what that outcome will offer for you and/or your business (by doing this you solidify that your desired outcome aligns with your true goals).

– Draft a start to finish timeline (don’t define the actual segments of time just yet).  On the left side of the page is now, the right side is completion, and put notches in for all of the events that need to occur to complete the task.

– Now make a list of everything you need to learn, get help for and/or test out along the way.  Things you can’t possibly know for certain yet.   Make a list of resources as well that you know of who can help, and those that you still need to find.

This is your initial plan.  You will make it more succinct and clear AND this is enough of a plan to start a process of creation in your mind and perhaps, as you are completing your planning, you can also be doing some of the tasks to start moving you forward.  It’s ok to work your plan as you are completing your plan.  In a fast-paced world, this is often a requirement.  To wait until your plan is perfect may mean you miss opportunities.  Planning is important, so is action.

The balance of planning and action puts you in the driver’s seat for your business and allows you to relax into the knowing that you are leading the project instead of living in constant stress.